Saturday, March 23, 2013

Night #1 in Malawi!

Greetings from Blantyre, Malawi! We have all arrived safe and sound in the warm heart of Africa, and we are eagerly anticipating the awesome things God is going to do over the next couple weeks. Thank you for all the ways you have already blessed us with your prayers.

A couple pics and brief anecdotes:

This is a picture of our first meal in Africa. You may note that it looks... very much like a meal in America. As many of our kids discovered, the Johannesburg airport (and its attached hotel) is not really as "Africa" as they may have expected. Certainly not the impoverished third world they are experiencing now that we have arrived in Blantyre.

Here is a group pic (sadly, not complete, as we didn't quite have everyone gathered yet) from the Blantyre airport. We may be exhausted and slightly oppressed by the humidity, but we are joyful nonetheless.

We love you and miss you all, but God has tremendous things in store. We will do our utmost to keep you updated as often as possible.

(P.S. If you leave comments on the blog, we will try to pass them on to the kiddos as little bits of encouragement through the trip!)


  1. BFF!! I've been eagerly awaiting your first post! So glad to hear you all made it safely. Can't wait for stories of your experiences there. I miss you and am praying for you lots. Love you! TLBY!
    - Tina

  2. Praying for all of you and looking forward to reading all about the amazing work God has in store. Thank you for the photos and keeping the blog updated:-)
    Love you and miss you Isha girl!

  3. Thank you for the updates. PTL everyone finally made it safely to Blantyre Airport. Will pray for all the bags to arrive by Wednesday, if not sooner. God does work miracles!! :) Can't wait to hear many testimonies from everyone. Eric, I finally saw your Outreach Skit. Made me cry. I'm so proud of you. Praying for God to continue to grow you to be His true disciple.

    Love you,
    Mom, Dad and Christopher

  4. Praying for you all and excited for you to get started. Lots of love to all of you esp Milan :)

  5. That last post was Kara not John :). Heading into Mexico in a few hours so may not be able to post but will be thinking about and praying for all of you daily xoxo

  6. :D Yay! Glad to hear you made it safely! We've been praying for you at Kairos, Eric! Things are going great back home, and I hope that you guys are doing just as awesome in Malawi. You guys are going to be doing amaaaaazing work, and I can't wait to hear all about it when you guys come back! <3

    -Adam Lee

  7. I am praying for all of you. Warm wishes and loving thoughts being sent your way.

  8. So cool to see so many ecuador peeps venturing to Africa!! hope you guys have a blast while your serving and being served!

    Blessings, (esp big hi to joanne :) )

    Rebecca Lysaght (Ms.Schulenburg)
